Vashe Chandrakanthan 6th Annual Meeting for Australasian Society for Stem Cell Research 2013

Vashe Chandrakanthan

Vashe Chandrakanthan is a Senior Research Fellow and Head of Stem Development and Tissue Regeneration Laboratory at School of Medical Sciences, UNSW (Jan 2017). He joined the Lowy Cancer Research Centre in 2010 to help set up a regenerative medicine program at UNSW. His work led to the discovery of a method of converting somatic cells into tissue-regenerative stem/progenitor cells (Chandrakanthan et al., PNAS 2016). CIA Chandrakanthan’s work is underpinned by a strong foundation in developmental biology. His main goals are to (i) identify the origins of MSCs/MSC-LC during embryogenesis, (ii) understand their transcriptional regulation, (iii) clarify how their transcriptional identity helps to determine their subsequent fate, (iv) Understand the relationship between MSCs identity and HSC development, and (v) use this understanding of normal MSC development to regenerate damaged tissues.

Abstracts this author is presenting: